1. Links
Sillemīs will only be held responsible for direct or indirect links to external websites which lie outside the direct responsibility of Sillemīs when it can reasonably be expected that Sillemīs could have prevented the use of illegal content and that Sillemīs had knowledge of such content. Sillemīs declares categorically that at the time of the creation of links all linked sites are free from illegal content. Sillemīs has no influence over the updated and future form and content of linked sites. Therefore Sillemīs distances itself from all linked sites which are changed after being here linked. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage resulting from the use or non-use of such material is the specific site provider responsible and liable and not the provider of links to such sites.
2. Copyright and Trademarks
All trademarks and brand names mentioned or where applicable protected through third party legislation are without exception subject to the terms of the copyright and property laws of their respective owners. The copyrights for objects and images published by Sillems remain as authors of the web-pages the property of Sillemīs itself. The reproduction or use of such graphics, sound-files, video-sequences and text in other electronic or printed publications is without prior written agreement forbidden.
3. Legal Effect of these Disclaimers
These disclaimers are to be considered as part of the internet offer which is to be found on these web-pages. In as much as parts or single formulations of this text do not, no longer or incompletely correspond to current legal positions the other parts of the document remain in their content and validity unaffected.
Data Protection
The use of information found on this website such as contact details (addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as email addresses) for the sending of unsolicited information is not permitted. We reserve the right to take legal action against the senders of so-called spam mails.